- To write to the Bishops. The problems associated with the text must be named, and somehow reactions expressed, not suppressed.
- To explore the website "What If We Just Said Wait?" . It has important essays, a huge number of comments raising issues, and also invites people to respond to a survey about their experience of Mass with the new Missal.
- To reflect on my feelings about this - what provokes my anger and frustration? Are my feelings because I am being challenged or because deep down I might dislike change? What, of that which really matters to me, is not in this Mass text?
I'll attempt to summarise my own reflection. I noticed the contrast with how I reacted to the study days, liturgies, and books that did open me to new possibilities in the 1970's and 1980's - I saw new depths, new possibilities to enter into the mysteries (as something to be explored, but never fully grasped) of being alive, of God, of the Church, of the Universe. My heart beat faster, and I was drawn into these mysteries. This week I reopened the book "Our Faith Story", by Patrick Purnell S.J., and had the same reaction once again. Yet when I read this Mass text, and now when I hear it, I feel sad and depressed. It is as if it shrinks my spirit, that had been so energised in the past. I need to continue to discern about this reaction, but it is not one that resonates with what I am told about this text - that it will deepen my faith.
A major source of frustration is that the language of the Mass text now says too much - in effect it tells me how to feel as well as how to pray. Something simpler, less heavy handed, would let me bring my relationship with God into the prayer, not limit me to that of he who made the final changes to the text. On the occasions when I understand what is being said, I keep thinking "no, that's not how I want to be with God". Extracts from the new texts are shown alongside the never-used 1998 translation, here These 1998 prayers are advances on what we had until recent months; to me they are a delight. They evoked prayerful response within me, and it seems a tragedy that we will not use that 1998 text. Yet I read about how the new texts will help us to pray more deeply!!
We are told by the Bishops to get used to the new text. That is patronising nonsense. It is as if the pilgrim people have been given boots two sizes too small and told to get used to them. These boots only point us backwards towards so many limitations that we had left behind in every important area of being Catholic, for in this Mass text and in its communication to us: